- General - ( Closed )
2019.5.10-2019.11.5 9:00AM
Abstract submission
( Closed )
Social Event
( Closed )
2019.5.10-2019.11.5 9:00AM
News & Topics
- 2019.12.10UPDATE New!
"ISS Best Student Award" page was updated - 2019.12.5
ISS2019 successfully closed.
We sincerely thank all the participants. - 2019.11.26UPDATE
We have a great news for Banquet attendees.
Bugaku, a traditional holy dancing with music, will be shown at opening of the Banquet.
Since, the Bugaku will start at 18:00, please get together to the HEIAN JINGU SHRINE Restaurant & Banquet Hall before 17:50.
Do not miss the beautiful traditional dance and music.
The Banquet Hall will open at 17:45. - 2019.11.26UPDATE
"Program" page was updated
「Program (Site)」,「Program (PDF)」,「Program at a glance」were updated
PC1-1-INV : 12/3 → 12/4
PC4-4-INV : 12/4 → 12/3 - 2019.11.26UPDATE
"Program" page was updated
Abstracts of ISS2019 (password protected) can be downloaded「Abstracts (PDF)」. - 2019.11.21UPDATE
"Program" page was updated
「Program (Site)」,「Program (PDF)」,「Program at a glance」were updated
WB2-4-INV : 12/3 → 12/4 - 2019.11.15UPDATE
"Accommodations / Travel" page was updated
「Kyoto Okazaki Concierge -Restaurant search (Japanese only)」site link,「Restaurant map (Around Miyako Messe)」 were posted - 2019.11.15UPDATE
"Exhibition" page was updated
The exhibitor company description of each company was posted - 2019.11.13UPDATE
"Program" page was updated
「Program (Site)」,「Program (PDF)」were updated
Late News (Poster) added - 2019.11.12UPDATE
"Proceedings " page was updated
Paper submission has started - 2019.11.05UPDATE
"Pre-Registration" has been closed
The Registration System is closed until November 12 when the manuscript submission starts - 2019.10.28UPDATE
"Program" page was updated
「Program at a glance」 page was updated
「Program (Site)」,「Program map」 pages were added - 2019.10.24UPDATE
"Program" page was updated
ISS2019 presentation program (PDF file 413KB) was updated - 2019.10.24UPDATE
"Presentation" page was updated - 2019.10.1UPDATE
"Program" page was updated
We posted the ISS2019 presentation program (PDF file 409KB) on the website - 2019.9.13NEWS
Program assignment mails were sent to the presenters whose abstracts were accepted for presentation at ISS2019. - 2019.9.12UPDATE
"Program" page was updated
We posted the timetable for ISS2019 (PDF file) on the website - 2019.8.23UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" page was updated
"Technical Tour" page was updated
Technical Tour to HORIBA, RHOM, NISSIN ELECTRIC - 2019.8.15UPDATE
"Technical Tour" page was updated
Technical Tour/ Friday, December 6, 10:00-13:00 (tentative, depends on the course) - 2019.8.6NOTICE
"Registration" page was updated
If there is an accompanying person, please inform the secretariat of the name of the participant. - 2019.8.1UPDATE
"Abstract submission" page was updated
Abstract submission deadline is finally extended to 20 August, 2019 - 2019.7.29UPDATE
"Registration for Exhibitors" page was updated - 2019.7.05UPDATE
"Accommodations / Travel" page was updated
JTB, official Travel Agency for ISS2019
(from 4. Jul to 14. Nov 2019) - 2019.7.04UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" page was updated - 2019.7.03UPDATE
"Accommodations / Travel" page was updated - 2019.6.25UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" "Organization" pages were updated - 2019.6.11UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" page was updated - 2019.6.7UPDATE
"ISS Best Student Award" page was updated - 2019.6.6UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" "Organization" pages were updated - 2019.5.31UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" page was updated - 2019.5.30UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" page was updated - 2019.5.29UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" page was updated - 2019.5.23UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" page was updated - 2019.5.21UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" page was updated - 2019.5.14UPDATE
"Invited Speakers" page was updated - 2019.5.10UPDATENEWS
Registration System opens.
"Registration" "Abstract submission" "Proceedings" "Registration for Exhibitors" pages were updated - 2019.4.22UPDATE
"Organization" page was updated - 2019.4.18UPDATE
"Committees" page was updated - 2019.3.11UPDATE New!
"Scope" page was updated - 2019.3.8UPDATE
"Important Dates" was updated - 2019.3.8UPDATE
"Greetings" page was updated - 2019.12.15NEWS
ISS2019 Homepage opens!
Important Dates
10 May |
Abstract Submission Opens |
10 May |
Registration Opens |
August |
Abstract Submission Deadline |
20 August |
finally extended to |
Early September |
Emailed program assignment of accepted abstracts |
5 November (9:00AM) |
Advanced Registration Deadline |
3-5 December |
ISS2019 |
5 December |
Manuscript Submission Deadline |
JTB, official Travel Agency for ISS2019, would support the accommodations for participants.