The 33rd International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2020)


To participants
Proccedings submission site was closed.
Publication fee is 10,000 JPY.
Payment deadline is Dec. 31, 2020.
We will email you how to pay online by Dec. 16.
We apologize for this short notice.

The symposium proceedings will be published in the open access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), issued by IOP Publishing Limited (IOP).

Only original and unpublished manuscripts will be accepted for publication after peer review processes administered by the Program Committee. Because the papers are published as ISS2020 proceedings, their contents should be based on the presentations made in ISS2020.

The submitted papers will be peer reviewed in accordance with the Peer Review Policy of JPCS.
The open access JPCS provides a fast, versatile and cost-effective proceedings publication service.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series- IOPscience
Proceedings peer review policy- IOPscience
Manuscript submission deadline

Submission procedure will be available after 1st November 2020.

The submission deadline will be on 3rd December 2020.

Publication fee

Publication fee JPY 10,000 –

Payment period: 2nd November 2020 ~ 31st December 2020

If you plan to make multiple presentations, please pay for the publication fee for each presentation.
Any proceedings without payment will not be accepted for publication.

Instructions for Authors
    • Submission of manuscripts

      Authors must prepare their papers in their final form ready for publication, using the Microsoft Word or LaTeX2e templates that are provided by IOP publishing Ltd. The prepared manuscripts should be converted to PDF format and submitted online.
      Authors should follow the IOP author guidelines.

JPCS Word Template, Guidelines (Microsoft Word Zipfile 716KB)
JPCS LaTeX2e class file (LaTeX Zipfile 203KB)
Author guidelines for conference proceedings- IOPscience
    • Length

      The papers should be 4 to 8 pages in length, and the size limit of a file to be uploaded is 5MB.

    • Page charges

      Page charges are included in the registration fee and have been already paid by the presenters.

    • Copyright

      For papers published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), IOP Publishing no longer requires authors to sign and submit copyright forms.
      Instead, authors who submit their paper grant a royalty free licence to IOP Publishing to use the copyright in the paper for the full term of copyright in all ways otherwise restricted by copyright, including the right to reproduce, distribute and communicate the article to the public under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence. The copyright in the paper remains with the authors or their employer, as appropriate.

      By submitting a paper authors are assumed to agree with the terms of the IOP Proceedings Licence.

Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)- Creative Commons
the IOP Proceedings Licence- IOPscience
    • Copyrighted material

      Generally, written permission must be obtained from the rightsholder (usually the publisher) in order to re-use any copyrighted material, such as figures, illustrations, tables, photographs and text excerpts.
      Authors who want to use copyrighted material must obtain permissions from the rightsholder before submitting their manuscript.

      As for the process of obtaining permissions please see such a web page.

Permissions- IOPscience

Contact Information

ISS2020 Secretariat
TIA Central office, AIST Central 1
1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki
305-8560, Japan.